Bracken’S Brown Beauty Magnolia Vs Little Gem

Bracken'S Brown Beauty Magnolia Vs Little Gem

Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia and Little Gem Magnolia are both popular choices for landscaping. Both trees are small, with Bracken’s Brown Beauty reaching 20-30 feet and Little Gem around 20 feet.

Their differences lie in their flower size and color, with Bracken’s Brass Beauty sportings large, white blooms and Little Gem sporting smaller, white flowers. Additionally, Bracken’s Brass Beauty has a more upright growth habit compared to the compact and dense form of Little Gem.

Despite these variations, both magnolias are excellent choices for small spaces and urban settings and can add beauty and fragrance to any landscape. We will explore both trees in more detail, including their characteristics, growth habits, and care requirements, to help you determine which one would be the best fit for your garden.


Magnolia trees are a popular choice for landscaping due to their stunning blooms and unique qualities. When considering the Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia and the Little Gem Magnolia, it’s important to understand the definition of Magnolia trees and their significance in landscaping.

Definition Of Magnolia Trees

Magnolia trees are a group of flowering plants known for their magnificent blooms and graceful appearance. They belong to the Magnoliaceae family and are characterized by large, fragrant flowers that come in various colors such as white, pink, and purple. These trees are known for their ornamental value and are commonly used to enhance the beauty of gardens and landscapes.

Importance In Landscaping

Magnolia trees play a vital role in landscaping, offering year-round beauty and adding a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. Their large, colorful flowers and glossy foliage make them a standout feature in gardens, parks, and residential landscapes. Additionally, these trees provide shade and privacy, making them a popular choice for creating natural barriers and focal points in outdoor designs.


When choosing between Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia and Little Gem Magnolia, it’s important to consider the characteristics of each tree. Understanding the size, growth habit, and flower characteristics of these magnolias can help you make an informed decision for your garden or landscape.

Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia

Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia is known for its distinctive characteristics, making it a popular choice among gardeners and landscapers alike.

Size and Growth Habit This magnolia typically reaches a height of 20-30 feet with a spread of 15-25 feet, creating an upright, pyramidal shape. It grows at a moderate rate, making it an ideal focal point in smaller landscapes.
Flower Characteristics The flowers of Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia are large, fragrant, and an elegant shade of creamy white, blooming in late spring to early summer. The blossoms create a stunning display against the backdrop of glossy, dark green foliage.

Little Gem Magnolia

Little Gem Magnolia is another popular choice, offering its own set of unique characteristics that set it apart in garden spaces.

Size and Growth Habit Little Gem Magnolia is a compact variety, typically reaching a height of 20-25 feet with a spread of 10-15 feet. It has a narrow, upright growth habit, making it suitable for smaller gardens and urban landscapes.
Flower Characteristics This magnolia variety produces an abundance of large, creamy white, fragrant flowers from late spring through summer. The compact size and prolific flowering make it a popular choice for urban gardens and smaller outdoor spaces.


When it comes to cultivating Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia and Little Gem Magnolia, there are essential aspects to consider to ensure optimal growth and health of these beautiful flowering trees. Let’s delve into the specific growing conditions, maintenance and care tips, as well as watering, fertilization, and pruning techniques for these magnolias.

Growing Conditions

Both Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia and Little Gem Magnolia thrive in well-draining, acidic soil with a pH range of 5.0-6.5. They prefer full sun to partial shade, making them suitable for a variety of landscaping environments. These magnolias are adaptable and can tolerate different soil types, including loamy, sandy, or clay soils.

Maintenance And Care Tips

To ensure the healthy growth of Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia and Little Gem Magnolia, it is crucial to provide regular maintenance and care. Prune any dead or damaged branches to maintain a neat and healthy appearance. Monitor the trees for pests and diseases, and promptly address any issues to prevent potential damage.

Watering And Fertilization

Adequate watering and fertilization play a significant role in the prosperity of these magnolias. During the first year of planting, water the trees regularly to help establish their root systems. Once established, they are relatively drought tolerant. Fertilize in early spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to support healthy growth and abundant blooms.

Pruning Techniques

Pruning Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia and Little Gem Magnolia is essential to maintain their shape and promote flowering. Remove any crossing or crowded branches to improve air circulation and overall tree structure. Avoid heavy pruning, as these magnolias can be sensitive to excessive trimming.

Bracken'S Brown Beauty Magnolia Vs Little Gem


Landscape Uses

When it comes to incorporating magnolia trees into a landscape, considering the specific uses of different varieties is essential for achieving the desired visual impact. Both Bracken’s Brown Beauty and Little Gem magnolias are popular choices for landscaping due to their unique characteristics and versatile applications. Let’s explore how each variety can be utilized in landscape design and the visual considerations to keep in mind.

Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia In Landscaping

Bracken’s Brown Beauty magnolia, known for its stunning large, cup-shaped flowers and glossy, dark green foliage, is a striking addition to any landscape. Its upright growth habit and relatively compact size make it suitable for various landscaping uses.

Consider incorporating Bracken’s Brown Beauty magnolia into a landscape for the following applications:

  • As a focal point specimen tree to add drama and elegance to the landscape
  • Along walkways or near outdoor seating areas to provide shade and visual interest
  • In mixed borders or foundation plantings to create a lush, green backdrop with its glossy foliage

Little Gem Magnolia In Landscaping

The Little Gem magnolia, known for its compact and neat form, is highly versatile and well-suited for various landscape uses. With its abundance of fragrant, creamy-white flowers and evergreen foliage, it offers year-round visual appeal and charm.

When incorporating Little Gem magnolia into a landscape, consider the following uses:

  • As a privacy screen or hedge due to its dense growth habit and evergreen nature
  • In small gardens or narrow spaces where a smaller, more compact tree is desired
  • As a feature tree in urban landscapes, courtyards, or patios to add a touch of elegance and fragrance

Design Considerations And Visual Aesthetics

When designing with Bracken’s Brown Beauty and Little Gem magnolias, it’s important to consider their unique visual and architectural characteristics to achieve harmonious and appealing landscapes. Some design considerations to keep in mind include:

  • Proper Placement: Ensure the magnolia trees are placed strategically to enhance the overall layout and balance of the landscape.
  • Complementary Planting: Pairing the magnolias with complementary plants that accentuate their foliage and flower colors can enhance their visual impact.
  • Scale and Proportion: Consider the mature size of the magnolia trees and plan their placement to maintain a sense of scale and proportion within the landscape.
  • Seasonal Interest: Emphasize the seasonal features of the magnolias, such as their flowers and foliage, to ensure year-round visual interest within the landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions On Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia Vs Little Gem

What Is The Difference Between Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia And Little Gem?

Bracken’s Brown Beauty Magnolia is larger in size, with fragrant white flowers, while Little Gem is smaller, with deep green leaves and small, creamy white blooms. Both are hardy and low maintenance, but the size and appearance are the main differences.

Which Magnolia Variety Is Better For Small Spaces – Bracken’s Brown Beauty Or Little Gem?

For compact areas, Little Gem is the ideal choice due to its smaller size and neat, round shape. It’s a perfect fit for urban gardens, courtyards, and small yards. Bracken’s Brown Beauty, being larger, may overwhelm limited spaces.

How Do I Care For Bracken’s Brown Beauty And Little Gem Magnolias?

Both varieties thrive in well-drained, slightly acidic soil and prefer partial shade. Regular watering and mulching to maintain soil moisture are essential. Pruning is needed minimally, mainly to remove dead or damaged branches. Both are generally low-maintenance trees.


In the debate between Bracken’s Brown Beauty and Little Gem magnolias, both offer unique features. Whether you prefer the larger size and fragrance of Bracken’s Brown Beauty or the compactness and extended bloom of Little Gem, both are great choices.

Consider your space and preferences when making your decision. Both options have something special to offer.

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