Philodendron Cream Splash vs Silver Stripe Guide

philodendron cream splash vs silver stripe

Welcome to our guide on the differences between Philodendron Cream Splash and Silver Stripe. These two popular varieties of philodendron are often mistaken for each other due to their similarities, but there are subtle distinctions that can help you tell them apart.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Cream Splash and Silver Stripe are similar but distinct varieties of philodendron.
  • They both have heart-shaped leaves with cream variegations.
  • The Cream Splash has a more irregular variegation pattern, while the Silver Stripe has a more consistent pattern.
  • The colors of their variegations differ, with the Cream Splash growing light green and lime yellow, and the Silver Stripe growing silver and dark green.
  • The growth patterns also vary, with the Silver Stripe displaying a variegated stripe in the middle of all its leaves, while the Cream Splash has a more random pattern.

Now, let’s dive into the details and explore these captivating plants further.

Are they the same plant?

Many plant enthusiasts often wonder if the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe philodendrons are the same plant due to their striking similarities. While they do share certain characteristics, they are, in fact, different varieties. Let’s explore the distinctions between these two beautiful plants.

Growth Patterns and Leaves

The Cream Splash and Silver Stripe are both sport cultivars of the Brasil Philodendron, featuring heart-shaped Hederaceum Scandens leaves with cream variegations. However, their growth patterns and variegation colors set them apart.

The Cream Splash exhibits a more irregular variegation pattern compared to the Silver Stripe. Its leaves showcase a delightful mix of green, light green, cream, and lime yellow colors, creating a vibrant and captivating display.

On the other hand, the Silver Stripe boasts a more consistent variegation pattern. The leaves display a striking combination of dark green, silver, cream, and light green colors, giving the plant a unique and elegant appearance.

Distinguishing Colors

One of the key differences between the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe lies in the colors of their variegations. While the Cream Splash predominantly grows with a light green color and lime yellow variegation, the Silver Stripe features a silver variegation color in addition to dark green. These color differences can be subtle but play a significant role in distinguishing between the two plants.

cream splash philodendron vs silver stripe philodendron

Comparing Growth Patterns

In terms of growth patterns, the Silver Stripe stands out with its consistent variegated stripe running down the center of each leaf. This characteristic sets it apart from the Cream Splash, which exhibits a more random variegation pattern. In the Cream Splash, variegations can appear in various formations, with some leaves having variegation in the middle and others showcasing completely irregular variegation. Additionally, the cream and lime yellow variegations in the Cream Splash can extend across the entire leaf, creating a captivating and dynamic display.


The leaves of the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe are the main distinguishing feature between these two plants. Their unique variegation patterns give each variety its distinct appearance.

The Cream Splash has leaves with a beautiful combination of colors. The variegation pattern includes shades of green, light green, cream, and lime yellow. These vibrant leaves create a striking contrast and add a touch of whimsy to any indoor space.

On the other hand, the Silver Stripe showcases a different variegation pattern. Its leaves feature shades of dark green, silver, cream, and light green. The silver stripes running through the dark green background give this variety a sophisticated and elegant look.

Both the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe have variegated leaves, but they differ in the specific colors and patterns they exhibit. Whether you prefer the lively charm of the Cream Splash or the refined allure of the Silver Stripe, these philodendron varieties are sure to bring natural beauty and a touch of botanical artistry to your home.

Cream Splash Silver Stripe
Green Dark Green
Light Green Silver
Cream Cream
Lime Yellow Light Green

Color Difference on Cream Splash vs Silver Stripe

One of the key differences between the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe is the color of their variegations. The Cream Splash grows a light green color and a lime yellow color, while the Silver Stripe has a silver color and a dark green color. The color difference can sometimes be subtle, but comparing the first and last variegation colors can help in distinguishing between these two plants.

cream splash vs silver stripe color difference

Growth Pattern Difference

Another key difference between the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe varieties of philodendron is their growth pattern. Understanding this difference can further aid in distinguishing between the two plants.

The Silver Stripe exhibits a more consistent growth pattern with all its leaves displaying a variegated stripe in the middle. This distinct feature adds a unique touch to its overall appearance.

On the other hand, the Cream Splash showcases a more random growth pattern. While some leaves may have variegation in the middle similar to the Silver Stripe, others display completely irregular variegation. This adds to the beauty and intrigue of the Cream Splash variety.

Additionally, in the Cream Splash, the cream and lime yellow variegations have the potential to spread across the entire leaf, creating a visually stunning and captivating effect.

Growth Pattern Cream Splash Silver Stripe
Consistency Random and irregular Consistent with a variegated stripe in the middle
Leaf Variegation Variegation can be present throughout the leaf Variegation limited to the middle stripe

As seen in the table above, the growth pattern of the Cream Splash differs significantly from that of the Silver Stripe, making each variety unique in its own way.

Is Silver Stripe the Same as the Rio Philodendron?

The Silver Stripe and Rio philodendron are two varieties that share similarities in their variegations. Both plants exhibit silver, creamish yellow, and dark green variegations, which contribute to their striking appearance. However, there are distinct characteristics that set the Rio philodendron apart.

The Rio philodendron is unique because it features silver variegation in the center of its leaves, creating a captivating focal point. This silver contrast adds an extra layer of visual interest to the overall variegation pattern. On the other hand, the Silver Stripe has a different variegation pattern without the silver center, distinguishing it from the Rio philodendron in terms of appearance.

In addition to the silver center, the Rio philodendron also boasts a more stable variegation pattern compared to the Silver Stripe. The variegations on the Rio philodendron tend to be consistent and well-defined, enhancing the plant’s allure and making it a preferred choice for those seeking a more uniform variegation pattern in their philodendron collection.

While the Silver Stripe and Rio philodendron may share common characteristics in their variegations, the unique silver center and the more stable variegation pattern of the Rio philodendron make it distinct and sought after by plant enthusiasts.


In conclusion, the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe are two similar but distinct varieties of philodendron. These stunning plants share many characteristics, such as heart-shaped leaves and cream variegations, making them both exquisite choices for any indoor garden. However, there are differences in their variegation patterns, colors, and growth patterns that can help you differentiate between them.

The Cream Splash boasts a unique, irregular variegation pattern with shades of green, light green, cream, and lime yellow, creating a captivating tapestry of colors. On the other hand, the Silver Stripe exhibits a more consistent variegation pattern with dark green, silver, cream, and light green colors, adding a touch of elegance to any space.

Furthermore, the growth patterns of these varieties differ as well. The Silver Stripe showcases a distinctive variegated stripe down the middle of each leaf, offering a visually striking appearance. Meanwhile, the Cream Splash surprises with its random variegation pattern, where some leaves display variegation in the middle, while others exhibit completely irregular variegation. The cream and lime yellow variegations may even spread across the entire leaf, adding a playful and lively touch to your indoor garden.

By understanding these differences, you can choose the perfect variegated beauty that aligns with your preferences and complements your home’s aesthetic. Whether you prefer the organized elegance of the Silver Stripe or the whimsical charm of the Cream Splash, both of these philodendron varieties are sure to bring life and beauty to your living space.


Are the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe the same plant?

No, the Cream Splash and Silver Stripe are not the same plant. They are two distinct varieties of philodendron that have similar characteristics but differ in their variegation patterns and colors.

What are the differences between Cream Splash and Silver Stripe?

The main differences between Cream Splash and Silver Stripe are their variegation patterns and colors. Cream Splash has a more irregular variegation pattern with green, light green, cream, and lime yellow colors, while Silver Stripe has a more consistent variegation pattern with dark green, silver, cream, and light green colors.

How do the leaves of Cream Splash and Silver Stripe differ?

The leaves of Cream Splash have a variegation pattern of green, light green, cream, and lime yellow colors, whereas the leaves of Silver Stripe have a variegation pattern of dark green, silver, cream, and light green colors.

What is the color difference between Cream Splash and Silver Stripe?

Cream Splash has a variegation color of light green and lime yellow, while Silver Stripe has a variegation color of silver and dark green.

How do the growth patterns of Cream Splash and Silver Stripe differ?

Silver Stripe has a more consistent growth pattern, with all its leaves having a variegated stripe in the middle. Cream Splash, on the other hand, has a more random growth pattern, with some leaves having variegation in the middle and others having completely irregular variegation. Cream Splash may also have cream and lime yellow variegations spreading across the entire leaf.

Is Silver Stripe the same as the Rio philodendron?

No, Silver Stripe is different from the Rio philodendron. While both have silver, creamish yellow, and dark green variegations, the Rio philodendron has silver in the center, making it unique. The Rio also has a more stable variegation pattern compared to Silver Stripe.

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